Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rarely seen, always present.

My Mom sent this picture to me last week,  and I am amazed.
I grew up in Virginia, and only twice caught a fleeting glimpse of a red fox.
I think Mom's on her way to a second career as a nature photojournalist.
Excellent work!


  1. We have red foxes here too, and they are a real pest. I've seen a few on my friend's sheep farm about 200km from Sydney. They also turn up as road kill in Sydney's suburbs as well. Your Mum was lucky to get it on the camera.

    I'm working on my Sydney movie but the weather is against me. For the past three months we've had constant rain - its officially the wettest summer. So I haven't been able to get many days when it has been a blue sky which is the consistent backdrop I need. So far I've only got about 60 seconds of usable photos. Fingers crossed that whatever weather demon has us in its grip will move along soon.


  2. Hey Frances, first, I have to warn you my Mom loves red foxes. There are not enough of them here to be a big problem, in the old days the horsey set would hunt them on horseback but they don't even do that anymore. Rabies is probably the biggest concern with them here in the
    eastern U.S. Hopefully this little guy is eating barn mice and NO sheep.

    Sorry to hear its raining too much for your project, I look forward to seeing it.


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